Water Quality Education
With the use of federal funds from USDA-NRCS, the Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) along with Texas AgriLife Extension Service will develop a water quality education program to help landowners, homeowners, businesses, and municipalities reduce nonpoint sources of pollution.
Reports and Publications
Water Quality Education Fact Sheets
- Agricultural BMP
- Bacteria and Nutrients
- Golden Algae
- Groundwater
- In Home Water Conservation
- Pollution
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Urban BMP
- Urban Stormwater
- Water Conscious Landscapes
- Water Testing
- Watersheds
On-Site Wastewater Publications
- B-6077: Selecting and permitting
- B-6098: Alternative collection systems
- B-6171: Homeowner's guide to evaluating service contracts
- B-6175: Soil particle analysis procedure
- B-6176: Graywater
- L-5227: Septic tank/soil absorption field
- L-5228: Evapotranspiration bed
- L-5235: Low-pressure dosing
- L-5237: Subsurface drip distribution
- L-5302: Aerobic treatment unit
- L-5303: Spray distribution system
- L-5344: Tablet chlorination
- L-5347: Operation and maintenance
- L-5414: Mound System
- L-5460: Liquid chlorination